#Case Study
Ticket Booking System

Archeological Survey of India was struggling to automate their ticket booking process.The footfall was high resulting in long queues for ticketing.


  • We implemented a configurable multi-monument ticket booking platform that was designed to perform under stress.
  • In process we were able to identify areas for improvement and implement changes to increase efficiency and revenue.


  • An online ticket booking, an on-premises POS for ticketing and a validation app to digitize the Visitor.
  • Optimized the ticket booking process by streamlining the user interface and simplifying the checkout process.
  • Implemented ticketing gateway for Travel Companies to book tickets from their applications.


  • Reduction in loss of revenues due to pilferage
  • 220 Monuments and 108 Museums went live on the system.
  • 90% of Venues were able to redeploy their regular counter booking staff to other functions.